Montrose, COLO.—The unincorporated area of Montrose County will implement Stage 1 Fire Restrictions on Friday, August 2. Extreme fire danger, high temperatures and worsening dry conditions were the deciding factors in this decision. Restrictions will take effect at 12:01am on Friday August 2.

“The fire danger is extreme at this time. In light of the currently burning Bucktail Fire on the West End of Montrose County and other regional fires, I want to do everything we can to keep our property, homes and communities safe,” said Sheriff Lillard. “Thank you for your cooperation and for doing your part to prevent wildfires.”

Under Stage 1 Fire Restrictions, open burning of any kind including agricultural burning, open campfires, and fireworks is prohibited. Smoking cigarettes outdoors is not allowed, unless in an enclosed vehicle or building or in a developed recreation site. Campfires in a pre-approved campground or enclosed fire pits are permitted. As a reminder, fireworks on publicly managed lands are prohibited. 

Please be advised that penalties for violating the fire ban include: Class-2 petty offense with fines ranging from $100 to $500 depending on the number of offenses.  If a fire causes damage to another individual’s property, additional criminal charges may apply.  These fire restrictions will remain in effect until further notice. 

Montrose Stage 1

What is allowed:

  • Fires in permanent fire pits, fire rings in private residences, or within developed recreational sites such as a campground or picnic area
  • Fire features chimineas, and tiki torches at private residences supervised by a responsible adult.
  • Fires contained within liquid fuel or gas fueled stoves, lanterns or heated devices.
  • Target shooting in a safe manner is permitted.

What is not allowed:

  • All personal fireworks are prohibited.
  • Any fire NOT within a permanently constructed fire pit, ring or grate on public or private land.
  • Smoking outdoors in an area that is not cleared of all combustible materials.
  • Welding or operating acetylene or other torches with open flame except in cleared areas of at least 10 ft in diameter and in possession of a chemical pressurized fire extinguisher.
  • Operating or using any internal combustion engine such as chainsaws, without a spark-arresting device properly installed, maintained, and in effective working order.
  • Agricultural burning is not allowed.
  • Target shooting with explosive targets is not permitted.

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