Delta County Sheriff’s Office – Colorado
WHEREAS, The Sheriff of Delta County, Colorado pursuant to C.R.S. § 30-10-512 and C.R.S. § 30-10-513 is authorized to act as fire warden of Delta County and is responsible for coordination of fire suppression efforts in case of prairie, forest, or wildland fires or wildfires occurring in unincorporated areas of the County outside the boundaries of a fire protection district or when a fire exceeds the capabilities of a fire protection district to control; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Delta County Ordinance No. 2024-02 (Delta County Open Burning and Local Fire Restriction Ordinance), the Sheriff has been authorized by the Board of County Commissioners in Delta County, Colorado to enact Stage I and Stage II fire restrictions within all or portions of unincorporated Delta County when high fire danger conditions exist and rescind those restrictions when appropriate; and
WHEREAS, the Sheriff has determined the current danger of forest or grass fires in all of unincorporated Delta County is high based on weather conditions, low fuel moisture levels, availability of fire suppression resources, active wildfires in Delta County and other counties in Colorado; and
WHEREAS, the Sheriff upon consultation with Emergency Management and other fire representatives feel Stage I Fire Restrictions are necessary and appropriate to reduce the danger of wildfires in the County and protect the property and safety of residents;
NOW, THEREFORE, it is resolved that as of July 30, 2024 at 12:01 am, Stage One Fire Restrictions will be implemented in all of unincorporated Delta County including public and state lands and within the corporate limits of any incorporated town or city within Delta County which elects by appropriate ordinance or resolution to have the provisions of the restrictions apply in their jurisdiction until further notice. County restrictions do not apply to the Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre or Gunnison National Forests or lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management which implement and manage their own restrictions. Federal land restrictions are listed on WestSlopeFireInfo.com
Stage 1 Fire Restrictions in Delta County prohibit:
- Any open fire NOT contained in a permanently constructed fire pit in an improved campground/residence
- Building of an open fire including agricultural burning of fields, fence rows, ditches, piles, slash or wildland broadcast burning;
- Burning of trash or debris;
- Smoking in areas that are NOT barren or cleared of flammable materials at least three (3) feet in diameter;
- The use of explosives or fireworks of any kind as defined pursuant to C.R.S. § 30-15-401(1)(n.7) to include the use of exploding targets or tracer ammunition.
- Use of a chainsaw or other internal combustion engine without a properly installed USDA or SAE approved spark arrestor.
- Welding or operating acetylene or other torches with an open flame outside in an area near brush or flammable material without a pressurized fire extinguisher.
Allowed activities under Stage 1 Restrictions:
- Fires within a permanent fire pit, ring or BBQ grill at a private residence, or within a developed recreational site such as a campground or picnic area that is completely void of combustible material on the ground.
- Use of a fully enclosed (sheepherder type) stove with ¼” spark arrester type screen.
- Use of residential fire features such as chiminea, tiki torches or gas fire pits when supervised by a responsible adult.
- Use of liquid or gas fueled stoves, lanterns and heating devices with a controlled flame and a shut-off valve.
- Use of a chainsaw or other internal combustion engine with a USDA/SAE approved spark arrestor properly installed and functioning while in possession of a chemical pressurized extinguisher of at least eight (8) ounces with a rounded point shovel with an overall length of at least 35 inches readily available.
- Responsible target practice using non-exploding targets, and non-tracer ammunition.
- Welding in a safe manner in an area void of combustible material within ten (10) feet and while possessing a chemical pressurized fire extinguisher with a minimum rating of 2A.
This order shall remain in effect until rescinded.
By Order of the Sheriff,
Sheriff Mark Taylor – Delta County, CO
Issued Monday, July 29, 2024 – Effective Tuesday, July 30, 2024 at 12:01 am