Name: Kelso Fire
Location: On a southeast facing slope of Kelso Mesa in the Grand Valley Ranger District, Uncompahgre National Forest. The fire is approximately 27 miles southwest of Delta, Colorado.
Size: 8 acres Behavior: Creeping, smoldering
Cause: Lightning Jurisdiction: USFS
Containment: 0% Threatened Structures: 0
At approximately 5:30 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 20, the Kelso Fire was reported in a remote location in the Grand Valley Ranger District on the Uncompahgre National Forest, approximately 27 miles southwest of Delta, Colorado. The fire is approximately 8 acres in size with moderate to high spread potential and creeping/smoldering fire behavior. It is zero percent contained. Access to the fire by ground is limited due to remoteness and hazards. A helitack crew attempted to reach the fire by air but had to withdraw for safety reasons. Fire managers are assessing the fire by helicopter and creating a suppression plan. Smoke may be visible to the west of the Little Mesa Fire from highways 50, 550, 92, 65 and 141. Firefighter and public safety are the priorities for this incident.
For additional information:
GMUG National Forests Fire Information Hotline: (970) 874-6602
West Slope Fire Information website:
GMUG Fire Info Facebook:

Picture of forest trees with smoke in them

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